
How to Capture a Partial Amount of a Deposit

*Please note: If you are required to capture a partial amount of the deposit for an amenity booking, we highly recommend capturing the deposit as soon as possible. The deposit will automatically be released back to the owner after five business days and the time it takes to show on the customer’s statement will depend on the bank.*

Please visit Stripe and click "Sign In" on the top right hand corner of the page.


1. Log into Stripe


2. Click "Payments" on the left hand-side navigation menu


3. Click on the deposit that you wish to partially capture.


4. On the deposits payment page, click "Capture" at the top of the page.


5. A pop-up box will now appear on the screen. To capture a partial amount of the deposit, click on the option "Partial Capture" and enter the amount. Click "Capture Payment" once you are ready.


6. Once you have captured a partial amount of the payment, you will be re-directed to the same page stating: “Payment succeeded with $xx.xx later refunded”.


7. Back on the Payments Dashboard, you will now see a “Partial Refund” beside the deposit that you had selected.

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