
How to Add a New Task

In order to add a new task, follow these steps: 

1. Select Tasks from the main menu.


2. Click Add New Task at the top of the page. 



3. Then, fill out the details of your task.

1) Title - Create a title for your task. 

2) Detailed Description - Provide a detailed description of the task.

3) Change Status - Using the drop down menu, determine what the status of the task is.

4) Assigned To - If applicable, you can assign the task to an administrator or a group by selecting their name from the drop-down list.

5) Collect Votes - If applicable, you can collect votes from certain administrators from the task. When you check the box, you will be able to collect votes from certain individuals.

Note: Only the creator of the task can create, update, or disable the task vote. This ensures that the decision-making process is controlled by the person who initiated the task.

6) Due Date (Optional) - If applicable, set a due date 

7) Decision Required - If a decision is required, check off this box. 

8) Attach Files - Attach any relevant files to the task. 



4. Click Save to finish adding a new task.




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