
How to Edit a Group and Group Permissions

This user guide outlines how to edit a user group and revise a group's permissions. A video demonstration is available at the end of the guide.


1.  Log into your Condo Control account.



2.  Click on "Welcome!" in the top-right corner and select Setup.



3.  Select Groups from the main menu.



4.  Click the Edit icon (pencil) beside the group you want to edit.



5.  You can then change the group name, description, and permissions, as well as add new users to the group. 

Note: You cannot change the Group Name or Description for default groups. However, you can change the Display Name which is what end users see.

Note: to add a user to a group: within the Edit Group window > click 'Add New User' > search user by first and/or last name or by unit number > select the users to add > click add



6.  To revise the group permissions, click on the module name and then select/de-select the applicable feature permissions.   

For example you might want the Board Members group to view amenities and book or cancel their own amenities but have no other administrative permissions. 



7.  Once completed, click Save to finalize your changes.



Video Demonstration

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