
Rotessa FAQs

How do I setup a Rotessa Account?
Setup is initiated from Condo Control Payment setup page. Please follow the steps on the setup.


Which features Rotessa is integrated with?
Rotessa is integrated with the Make a Payment feature.


How do I capture a Complete or Partial Refund?
Rotessa does not support refunds. Please refer to this Rotessa Client Service Agreement (Canada).


How do I stop a payment from processing?

One-Time Payments

  • Once a payment is processed in Condo Control, it is sent to Rotessa immediately and cannot be stopped from processing within Condo Control. Rotessa will likely not be able to stop it from processing either, but they could be contacted to see if it's possible. 

Recurring Payments

  • Recurring payments in Condo Control are processed based on the 1st of each month and Rotessa sends the payment to the bank at 11:00 am Central Time the business day before the 1st of the month. If the recurring transaction is deleted in Condo Control before this deadline, the transaction will not be processed for the next month or any subsequent months.
  • If the recurring transaction is deleted in Condo Control at or after 11:00 am Central Time the business day before or is deleted on the 1st of the month, no subsequent months will be processed but the current month cannot be stopped from processing within Condo Control. Rotessa will likely not be able to stop it from processing either, but they could be contacted to see if it's possible. 


How can I consolidate my records for accounting purposes?
Condo Control has two reports that channel information from Rotessa: Rotessa Transactions & Rotessa Settlements Reports.


Why some receipts do not show under All Payments?

You may notice that certain transactions are not displayed under All Payments, even though they appear on Rotessa Reports, and funds are deposited into your bank account.

This discrepancy is attributed to the linkage of these transactions to recurring payments. Unfortunately, due to limitations on Rotessa's end, one-time payments generated from a recurring subscription do not appear on the All Payments page. Additionally, these transactions do not trigger email notifications to end users.

To view and manage such transactions within Condo Control, you can refer to two Rotessa reports that directly channel information from Rotessa. These reports provide a comprehensive overview of all transactions, ensuring you have visibility into your payment records.


Can Deposits be Captured via Rotessa?
No, Rotessa only supports EFT transfer payment method used for Make a Payment feature, that does not support deposits.


What are Rotessa Processing Times?
As per Rotessa guide, the processing date on the scheduled transaction is the day the money will be withdrawn from the customer’s account. You will receive the settlement of funds 4 to 5 business days later.


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