
How to Update Service Requests

1. Log into Condo Control and click on "Service Requests" 


2. Select the request you wish to view by clicking on the icon to the left of the request or the request itself.



3. Review the request information and attachment, you can expand the view by clicking on the arrows in the top right corner.



4. Reply to the service request by typing within the text box highlighted in red, replies can be public or internal (for staff only).



5. Comments will be shown at the bottom of the service request, yellow updates are internal, grey updates are public



6. If you would like to re-assign the request, select the user from the list



7. By default, the service request will be set as "Open". If you would like to place the request on hold, select "Pending". Select "Closed" if the request has been solved and then click "Save".



8. If you place the service request as "Pending" , you can set a reminder date. A reminder email will be sent to you after the amount of days has passed and the status of the service request will go from "Pending" to "Open"



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