
How to Generate an Owners List


The below guide will provide you with instructions on how to gather owners information from within

Condo Control “Report” feature.


For instructions on how to generate a report with the owners mailing address read the following guide:

How to generate an Owners list for AGM packages


1. Sign into your Condo Control workspace as an administrator.


2. On your left hand side you will see the Reports feature. 


3. Choose Phone Numbers and Emails and click on the graph icon beside the report.


4. Click the "Customize Report " button to open the customization menu. 

Customize report.jpg


5. Using the Table Columns section, move the additional fields you would like from the "Do not show" section into the "Show" category by clicking and dragging the items. Next click "Run Report".


6. Select the funnel icon (Parameters) on the upper right side of the menu in order to filter the information.

Filter the report by Filter by Groups, Select the necessary groups such as: Owner, On-site Owner, Off-site Owner.

Press "Submit" once the necessary filters are selected. 

Press "Reset" if you want to clear the fields. 


7. To export the report in a necessary format, select "Export options" buttons.


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