
Topaz Signature Pad - How to Fix Sigweb Error

If you are attempting to capture a signature with the Topaz Signature Pad and an error message pops up stating “Error, make sure you have installed SigWeb” similar to the below image. Please follow the below steps to uninstall and reinstall your Topaz to have it working again.



1. Unplug the Topaz Signature Pad


2. Through the Add and Remove Programs in the Control Panel of your computer please uninstall all programs created by Topaz (including SigWeb) - there should be 2 or 3 related programs. 





3. Once all Topaz programs are uninstalled - Next, you will visit and on the right hand of the screen, click the orange box that reads "Download for Topaz Signature Pads"


4. A file will download onto your computer

5. Open up “sigweb.exe”

6. When the installer opens, click “Next”

7. Accept the Terms and Conditions and click "Next".


8. Checking the back of your Topaz device, enter your model number (Prefix, Model Series, Suffix). Once complete, click Next.mceclip2.png




9. Click Install and complete the installation.  



10. The software will now download onto your computer (This may take a few minutes)

11. Click “Finish” to exit the setup.

12. Plug in the Topaz Signature Pad USB into the computer and wait for the software to finish installing onto your computer

13. Next, release a test Package on CCC to see if the Topaz Signature Pad is working again.


If you have any questions or the Topaz still does not work after following these steps, please give our Support Line a call at 1 (888) 762 – 6636 Option 2 or send us a quick email at



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