Amenities can be taken out of service or reinstated at any time. When putting an amenity out of service, the system creates an administrative Out Of Service booking. If you need to take an amenity out of order, for the day, week or coming months, please follow the below steps.
To put an amenity back in service, refer to How to Put an Amenity Back in Service.
1. Click on "Welcome!" in the top-right corner and select Setup.
2. Click on Amenities on the left-hand menu.
3. On the Amenity Settings page, click on the "No Entry" or "Circle-Backlash" icon, to the left of the Amenity you would like to take Out of Service.
4. The first page will let you choose the Start and End date & time that you would like to take the amenity out of service. Once you have entered both dates & times, please click on the Next button.
5. The next page will let you review any bookings that are affected or conflict with the amenity being taken out of service. Please write a message to be sent via email to all users whose bookings will be cancelled by taking the amenity out of service. Once you have completed this section, please click on Submit button.
6. The last page will show you a confirmation of which amenity you're taking out of service, as well as the start and end date & time that it will be unavailable. You'll also see any conflicting bookings that have been cancelled.