
How to Purchase a Store Item

To view a video demonstration of this feature, refer to the Store: Purchasing Products - Resident Video Guide.


1. Login to your Condo Control Central account. 


2. On the left hand side-menu, find the "Store" icon. 




3. Look for the item you are looking for and click "add to cart". 



4. You will see an item added to your shopping cart. To checkout the item, click "cart" at the top right corner. 



5. On this page, you will find a summary of all items. To delete the item, you may click on the "garbage can icon" on the right side. For specific store items, you may have to agree to terms and conditions and provide a comment. To continue and checkout the item, click on "Checkout".


6. The next page will give you a summary of all items. To proceed, click "Pay and Save Your Order". 


7. Enter your card details, and make your payment. 


Notes: The items in the store are sold by your community/property management.  For questions about these items or the status of your order please contact them directly.

What items are available in your workspace are decided by the community/property staff.  Common items include; air filters, FOB replacements, key replacements (mail, unit, amenities), lock boxes, smoke detectors, and more.


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