Once you have completed a payment using Condo Control, you can view your receipts by following the steps provided below.
1. Login to Condo Control.
2. Click on Make a Payment from the left side menu.
3. Click on View Receipts.
4. View the details of the payment by clicking on the details icon.
5. You will then see your receipt of payment - For recurring payments, it will show when the payment will be withdrawn. In the following screen shot, you will see the receipt for One-Time Payments - one-time payments that are charged automatically on your credit card, you will see a Stripe Reference for your payment. To download the receipt, click on the "Download Receipt" button.
Recurring Payment:
One-Time Payment:
6. When you click on the Download Receipt button, the receipt pdf will download onto your web browser and you may click on it to open up the receipt. You will then have a record of your receipt for your files or for printing.