
How to Create an Amenity

Follow the steps below on how to create a new amenity as a site administrator. 

Refer to the Amenity Bookings - Creating an Amenity Video Guide to view a demonstration of the feature. 

To learn how to delete an amenity, refer to the How to Delete an Amenity guide. 

To learn how to edit an amenity, refer to the How to Edit an Amenity's Details guide.

To learn how to approve/filter amenity bookings, refer to the How to Approve/Filter Amenity Bookings guide.  

How to Create an Amenity 

1. Login to CC


2. Navigate to the "Setup Page" tab in Condo Control.​ You can access this by Clicking on "Welcome!" on the top right of your window.


3. Click on Amenities, from the left side menu.


4. Click on the New Amenity button to create a new Amenity.




5. In the Description section please complete all the prompts or ones that apply.  Once that is complete please click Next. 


If you are unsure about a certain feature please click on the question mark icon beside the labelled feature to help further assist you of the intended purpose for that feature/setting



6.  In the Rules section please click on all that apply and follow the prompts.  Once you have completed the Rules section please click on the next tab. 


If you are unsure about a certain feature please click on the question mark icon beside the labelled feature to help further assist you of the intended purpose for that feature/setting



7. In the Terms section please complete the terms of the agreement.  If a signature is required please click on the Terms and Conditions type and check off " Signature Required."  Once you have completed this section please click on the next tab. 


If you are unsure about a certain feature please click on the question mark icon beside the labelled feature to help further assist you of the intended purpose for that feature/setting



8. In the Payment  section please complete the prompts that apply to you. Once completed please click on the next tab. 


If you are unsure about a certain feature please click on the question mark icon beside the labelled feature to help further assist you of the intended purpose for that feature/setting



9. In the Review section please review all sections of your new amenity to ensure everything is correct. Once you have completed your review of your amenity and are satisfied click on the finish tab. 



You have now completed the user guide on how to create an amenity. 








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