
Budget Mailout Feature

Budget mailouts are a type of announcement that notifies Owners/Residents of their Monthly Common Element fees. This User Guide outlines how to create, send, and print a budget mailout. 


For a demonstration of the budget mailout feature, refer to the Webinar below:

Budget Mailout Webinar


1. Login to your Condo Control account.


2.  From the Main Menu, select Announcements.



3. On the Announcements page, select Create New Announcement.



 4. Next, select Budget Mailout.



5. Input the data for the budget mailout. Begin by naming the announcement. Then, select how you want to send the budget mail out. You can either:

a) Download excel and set up monthly fees manually 

If you choose to download excel and set up monthly fees manually, use the provided template as a starting point. Column A) will be the unit number and Column B) will be the total common expense fee (including parking, lockers, and any other monthly fees). 

For instructions on formatting an Excel CSV File, refer to the User Guide below:

Budget Mailout - CSV Excel Tips

Next, enter the last unit number listed in Column A) of your CSV Excel file. Then, enter the start date for the new fees and the end date will automatically populate to 1 year from the start date.


b) Create budget Mail Out automatically based on the entire budget and % for each unit 

If you choose to create a budget Mail Out automatically, input the Total Budget Amount, the New fees effective start date, and New fees effective end date. Ensure you have added a unit fraction for each unit under Unit File > Unit Details. 

Once completed, click Next.


6. You will now see a copy of the data imported from the CSV Excel file. Review the data and click Next.



7. Next, prepare the Announcement E-mail notification.

  • Online Payments – Select if you want to enable online payments for the common expense fees. Stripe or Rotessa MUST be activated prior to this selection.
  • Printing Service – Select if you want to use our printing services (CATS Media) for any paper copies of the budget mailout.
  • Select Groups – choose the groups the budget mailout should be sent to. Typically, “Owners” and “Board of Directors”. 


  • Details – Format the details of the message. You can drag and drop the fields on the left into the details section as needed. 
    NOTE: unit details, monthly fee, and unit address will be different for each unit.


  • Check the email preview to ensure the details are filled out correctly.


  • Expiration Date – enter the date when the announcement no longer needs to display on the Home Page. After this date, Residents can still view the announcement on the announcements page.
  • Attach Files – if applicable upload any files you want included with the budget mailout announcement.
  • Disclaimer – you must agree to the disclaimer to send out your announcement

Once you review and finalize the details of the budget mailout announcement, select Post Announcement. Your budget mailout announcement will now be sent to the assigned recipients. 



8. After sending the announcement, you can generate paper copies of the budget mailout and generate mailing envelopes. Once completed, return to the announcements page by select All Announcements Page.



If you elected to use our printing services (CATS Media), select Connect me to Print Jobs Page to configure your printing and mailing options.



Budget Mailout Print Options

9. First, select if you want black and white or colour copies using the drop-down menu under Select Print Package. 



10. Next, select if you want the packages sent directly to the recipients or sent to you (which you can then mail/distribute). If you are sending them directly to the recipients, enter a return address in the Return Address box. Then, enter any special instructions in the box provided. Once completed, click Continue.



11. Review the details of the print job and click Submit to finalize the order.



12. Your print job order has now been placed.



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