
How To Complete A Proxy

A proxy is sent when Board Members and Residents of a condominium building are holding an Annual General Meeting, you will get a notification to your email to fill your proxy information whether or not you will be attending. We recommend you fill your Proxy, even if you are sure you will be attending.


1. Click on the link in the email notification you received to fill out your proxy


2. Click on 'Create your proxy now' even if you are sure you will be attending


3. Verify your information is correct and check the box 'I confirm the above information is correct' and then click continue2.JPG

4. Read through the sections for the Online Proxy Interview and then click on Continue.3.JPG

5. Select the option that applies to you and then click on continue, e.g. The registered owner5.JPG

6. Type in the name of your proxy then click on the 'Add' button, then click on Continue


7. Select the authorization you would like to give to your proxy and then click on the continue button. Please note that the two first options will not prompt additional proxy questions.8.JPG

8. Select the candidate you would like to nominate, if your candidate is not on the list, you can add the candidate, choose that candidate then click continue9.JPG

9. Review your information and your answers in the Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services Proxy Form and sign at the bottom of the form as show below




10. Check the 'Draw Signature' button and sign in the box, then click on Submit



11.Your proxy is now submitted. You can then click on the 'Download & print your proxy' to download your proxy



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