To insert an image into your announcement, please take the following steps. We do not advise you to paste images directly into the text box of an announcement. Images to be inserted have to be in the form of a URL. This can be done by entering the image URL from the web browser or by adding your images to Dropbox then copying the URL link into the announcement.
1. select Announcements from the main menu.
2. Click on the Create New Announcement Button.
3. Select the type of announcement you will be using.
4. Check off the box for 'Email and Push Notifications' if it will be an email notification; you can also check the 'Lobby Display' box if you want it to appear on the Lobby Display.
5. Click on the three stacked dots and the click on the image button to upload the file from your computer.
6. Go into the folder where you saved the image. Choose the image you wish to use by clicking on it and selecting Open.
7. The uploaded image will appear in the announcement details box