
How to Change the Dashboard Colours & Logo

This user guide outlines how to change your dashboard settings such as colours, logo, and resident banner. 

For a video tutorial on updating dashboard settings, refer to the following: Setup Page - Workspace & Dashboard Settings Video Guide


1. Select setup from the Welcome menu. 



2. Click on Dashboard Settings from the menu on the left.



3. Under the General tab, you can customize your dashboard. 


Click on the Edit button at the bottom of the page.



Changing the Colours of your Dashboard 

You can change each Colour Choice by clicking your mouse on the colour itself where a colour selection will appear as shown below. Here, you can choose the colour scheme for your Dashboard. Once all the Colour Choices have been customized, click Save.



Changing Your Logo 

Select the Upload new logo option. A new field will appear where you can upload your logo. Choose your file and click Save. Note: dimensions for your logo must be 200 x 150.



Changing Your Resident Banner

Scroll down to Resident Banner and select Upload new resident banner. A new field will appear where you can upload your logo. Choose your file and click Save. Note: dimensions must be 2000 x 200.



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