
Lobby Display: How to Create a New Template

The below guide will detail how you can now create your own template for your TV Display from your CCC Setup page!

1. Login to CC and click on Welcome > Setup



2. On the left hand side click on the Announcements feature



3. Click on the lobby display tab



4. On the right hand side click on the Create New tab that is highlighted in red



5. Choose a theme name, then choose the correct resolution and then pick the template that suits your preference. 



6. Once you click on the template, a preview of the template will appear. Press use this template if you wish to use the template or press the cancel tab if you do not want to use this template. 


7. Then press Save and Continue tab 



8. Now in this area you are able to format the size and placement of numerous categories which you can show or not show. 



9. By double clicking the boxes, you can adjust the colors and the transition time, ie. the length of time it takes it for it go from one announcement to another. 

By clicking the Announcement box, advanced setting allows you to adjust width, height, how far the announcement is from the left hand side of the display, how far the announcement is from the top of the display. Once you have created your changes, please click on the Update tab. 



10.  You can put the category that you require to be displayed in the Show column.  The other categories you wish not to be displayed you will need to put them in the Do not show column.

For any category you can double click on the category for further detailed settings. Once you are happy with your changes TV theme preview to see the preview.  Then once you are happy with those changes click on the Save and Continue tab. 



11. Select any required videos to be added to your display. Once you have finished your selection press the Save and Continue tab;


12. Select the TV Theme preview to review your TV Theme Display you have created. Once you are happy with the template click on the Save tab. 



 13. Sample 1 TV Template has now been successfully created.



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