
How to Create Online Terms and Conditions for Your Amenity

This user guide will show you how to create online terms and conditions for your amenity. A video demonstration of this feature is attached to the bottom of this article.


1. Under the Welcome feature located on the right hand side, click on "Setup".



2. Then, click on the "Amenities" feature on located on the left-hand menu.



3. Here, you will see a list of your amenities. To add terms and conditions to an existing amenity, click on the "pencil icon (edit)" beside the chosen amenity. 



4. Select "Terms" from the tab along the top. 



5. Determine which Terms and Conditions Type are required for the amenity. 

No Terms - Users will not need to agree to any terms and conditions to use the amenity. 


Agree Online - Enter your terms and conditions in the description box. Then, determine if an online signature is required. If you select No, the resident will simply type out their name. If you select Yes, residents will be prompted with an online signature box. 


Signature Required - This is to be used if you require paper signatures. Attach the terms and conditions and have residents print, sign, and return the document. 



6. Once you've chosen the Terms and Conditions type, fill out the Custom Payment details and select "Next". 



7. Proceed to the Review tab and select "Finish" at the bottom of the page to save your Terms and Conditions. 




Video Demonstration

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