
Workspace Settings - General Workspace Setup

In this user guide we will show you how to edit your general Workspace Settings including the workspace name, time zone, reply to address, and default province/state. 


For an overview of the remaining Workspace Settings, review the articles below:


1. Click on Setup under the Welcome menu.



2. On the left-hand menu, click on Workspace Settings.



3. Under Workspace Settings, go to the bottom right hand side to the Welcome Site Settings heading. 



4. Here, you can edit the following settings on the Welcome Site by selecting the pencil icon beside each heading. 


1) Workspace Name - This is the name that will be displayed on the website. 

2) Workspace Legal Name - This is the legal name for your property; it will not be displayed on the website. 

3) Time Zone - You can select the time zone for your site by selecting an option from the drop down menu beside Selected Option and clicking save. 


4) Owner login enabled - Once this is enabled, the workspace will allow owners to login. 

5) Reply-To Address for notices - This is the Reply-To address for emails sent through Condo Control. Enter the email address in the Value box and select Save. 


6) Default Province/State - You can edit the Workspace Address here. Fill in the fields and click Save.  


7) Charge Tax - If enabled, all purchases through the site will automatically charged tax. 

 8) Workspace Holidays Enabled - Here, you can add and edit recurring holidays for your property and decide whether or not they will be displayed on the site. 




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