In this user guide we will demonstrate how to allow residents to edit their first and last names on the welcome site, alter the ability to invite or add new users to the site, and how to enable the residence phone book.
To review the other workspace Settings, view the related articles:
Workspace Settings - General Workspace Setup
Workspace Settings - Contact Information
Setup Page - Workspace & Dashboard Settings Video Guide
1. Click on Setup under the Welcome menu.
2. On the left-hand menu, click on Workspace Settings.
3. Under Workspace Settings, go to the bottom right hand side to the Welcome Site Settings heading.
How to Edit the Ability to change First and Last Names
1. Under Ability to change First & Last Names, click the pencil icon to edit the setting.
2. You will then be able restrict users from changing their first and last names on the welcome site. Select your preferred option from the drop down menu beside Selected option. Once complete, click Save.
How to Edit the Ability to Add & Invite Users
1. Under Ability to Add/Invite User, click the pencil icon to edit the setting.
2. You will then be able restrict users from being added/invited to the welcome site. Select your preferred option from the drop down menu beside Selected option. Once complete, click Save.
How to Enable the Phone book
1. Under Show residence phone book, click the pencil icon to edit the setting.
2. You will then be able to enable the phone book by selecting Yes from the drop down menu beside Selected option. Once complete, click Save.