
How to Create a Staff Account

This user guide will outline how to create an account in the Unit File for staff members.


1. Select Unit File from the main menu.



2. Click the Actions Button followed by Add New User.



3. Leave the Unit Number field blank.



4. Enter the staff member's first name and last name. If you would prefer to create a staff account with a user name we recommend the firstname.lastname format.



5. Enter the staff member's email address and phone number. You cannot create an account without entering either an email or phone number. 

  • If you enter an email - a welcome email will be sent to the address provided and the staff member can create their own account password.
  • If you enter only a phone number - a temporary password will be sent to the phone number. After logging in, they can change their password by clicking the Welcome button followed by Change Password.



6. Select the appropriate user group for the staff member (e.g. Security & Concierge).



7. Once completed, click Save. The staff account has now been created.


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