In this user guide we will show you how to enable the pay later feature for an amenity in Setup. To learn how to edit the other Amenity Settings, please review the following guides:
Amenity Booking - How to Enable Amenity Booking Feature for Owners and Tenants
Amenity Booking - How to Edit an Amenity Booking Landing Page Image
Amenity Booking - How to Edit Payment Type for an Amenity
1. Click on the Welcome tab and select Setup from the menu.
2. On the left hand side click on the Amenities feature.
3. Underneath the heading Amenity Settings you will see the heading Amenity Pay Later. Click the pencil icon to edit the Amenity pay later setting.
4. To enable the feature, select Enabled from the drop down menu and click Save.
5. You will now have the additional option to enable Pay Later in your amenities. To do so, review the steps in How to Edit Amenity Fee, Deposit and Payment Method.
6. If you select Yes to enable pay later, a new option will appear: "Days before the amenity booking is automatically cancelled." Input the number of days before the booking is cancelled without payment.
7. Proceed to the Review page and click finish to finalize your changes.