
Unit File: Adding New Units & Users Video Guide


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Learning Objectives:

1. Explain how to add, update, and delete a unit.

2. Describe how to add, update, and delete a user.



Video Script

Welcome to the Unit File: Adding New Units & Users overview. In this video we will demonstrate how to add, update, and delete units and users from the unit file. Only user groups with administrative permissions will have access to these features.

To get started, select Unit File from the main menu. From the unit list, select actions and then add new unit. This will open the new unit form where you can log the details for the unit.

Typically, units are added during the initial data upload but on occasion you may be asked to create a new one. There is only one mandatory field on the new unit form, which is unit description. This is typically a unit number or unit name.

After entering the unit description add in any additional details you have like the unit legal description, unit type, most recent sale date, occupancy date and move in date as well as unit address and if applicable, owner offsite address and lease details. Once completed, click save. 

You will now see the new unit in the unit list. If you need to update these details, click on the unit number, and select the unit details section. You can now update the details you just added by selecting edit. 

You can also add additional unit information by selecting a section from the unit page and clicking new. Add the relevant details and click save. You will now see the new information under that section, as well as the options to view, edit or delete those details. 

To delete a unit, return to the unit details sections. If there are users connected to the unit, the delete button will be greyed out, but if there are no users connected to the unit, you can select delete. 

You will then be asked to confirm and delete or cancel. Select the appropriate option. You will now see that the unit has been removed from the unit list.

To add a new user, select actions and then add new user. This will open the new user form where you can log the details for the user. The last name and user group field are mandatory on the user form.

If the user is an owner or resident, begin by entering the unit number they own or reside in. If the user does not have a unit number, like a property manager or member of the security team, proceed to the next field. 

Then, enter the user’s title, first name and last name. If the user prefers to go by a different name, enter it in the commonly used name field.

You then have the option to upload a profile picture of the user. If applicable, enter the company the user works for, like a security agency and then enter the user’s date of birth.

Next enter the user’s email address or username. If you do not want to activate the user’s account right away, check the box beside: activate account at a later date and then select the appropriate date from the menu. 

After that, enter the user’s mobile number. If an email address was not provided the user will get a SMS message with registration information. 

After you enter the mobile number, select the user’s language from the drop-down list. Condo Control currently supports English, French, Spanish, or Mandarin.

If the user needs assistance in an emergency, check the box beside: require assistance in an emergency and provide an explanation. 

Lastly, select the user groups you want the user to be a part of. Once completed, click save. You will now see the new user in the unit list. 

If you have accounting integration, create new users on your accounting platform. You can then update user details through the Condo Control platform. 

To update a user’s details, click on the user’s name and select the appropriate section from the user page. Like before, click new to add new details to the unit file. Once added, click edit to revise the details or delete to remove them.

Return to the user section to update the detail you entered on the user form. In this section you can also send the user a link to reset their password, login as the user, or resend the welcome email with registration details.

To delete a user, select delete. You will then be asked if you want to delete the user now, at a later date, which you can specify, or cancel. Select the appropriate option. You will now see that the user has been removed from the unit list.

This concludes the Unit File: Adding New Units & Users overview. For more information on adding new units or users, please refer to our user guide.

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