
Unit File: Viewing & Exporting Data Video Guide


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Learning Objectives:

1. Explain how to search the unit file recent changes chart.

2. Describe how to search and reactivate a user or unit from the unit archives.

3. Recall how to export the unit file to excel.



Video Script

Welcome to the Unit File: Viewing & Exporting Data overview. In this video we will demonstrate how to view and search recent changes and archives and export the unit file. Only user groups with administrative permissions will have access to these features.

To get started, select Unit File from the main menu. From the unit list, select Actions and then Recent Changes. This will open the recent changes chart where you can see all the updates to the unit file.

The recent changes chart is organized by date, with the most recent date at the top. The chart will default to the last 30 days, but older records can be found using the advanced search. 

The chart displays the workspace name, date of the update, user and unit that made the update, the type of change, the field that was changed, and what the information was before the update and after the update. 

If new information was added to the unit file, the record will be green. If existing information was modified, the record will be yellow. And if existing information was removed, the record will be red.

You can download a copy of the recent changes chart by selecting Export to Excel. The spreadsheet will display all the unit file updates for the last 30 days. 

You can also search the recent changes chart using the search bar at the top of the page. Here you can conduct an all-text search using a keyword, unit number, name, date, field or change type. The search results will display the updates that match your criteria within the last 30 days.

To search a different date range, select Advance Search.  Then, select a start date and end date for your search. There is no date limit on how far back you can search. 

You also have the option to filter your search by selecting specific units or a type of change. To change how the search results display, select Sort By and pick an option from the drop-down menu. 

If you want to download a copy of your search results, select Export to Excel. This time, the spreadsheet will only display the updates that meet your search criteria. 

To clear your search filters, click Reset. To return to the main recent changes chart, refresh the page.

To view the users and units that have been deleted, return to the unit file. From the unit list select Actions then View Archives. This will open the unit archive where you can search and reactivate former users and units.

The unit archive is organized by unit number, with the users without units, like members of the security team, at the top. The unit archive displays the user’s name, groups, and contact information. There is no date limit on the data stored in the unit archive. 

A deactivated user will have a greyed-out unit number and a deactivated unit will have no user data. In rare instances you might have both a deactivated user and unit in which case, nothing is greyed-out. 

You can search the unit archive using the search bar at the top of the page. Here you can conduct an all-text search using a unit number, name, date, group, email, or phone number. You can also filter your search by selecting a specific user group from the drop-down menu.

To conduct an advance search, change the quick search filter to Search all Fields. This will search all the data in the unit file not just the information that displays in the unit archive. 

To reactivate a user or unit, click the icon in the reactivate column for the record. You will then see a notification that the user or unit was successfully reactivated.  

If both a unit and user are deactivated, and you only want to reactivate the unit, click on the unit number, and select Reactivate from the unit details page. If you only want to reactivate the user, click on the user’s name, and select Reactivate from the user details page.

When you return to the unit file, you will see the reactivated user or unit in the unit list.

To download a copy of the unit file, select Actions and then Export to Excel. The spreadsheet will be organized like the unit list, displaying the unit number, name, groups, contact information and offsite address connected to each unit. 

This concludes the Unit File: Viewing & Exporting Data overview. For more information on how to view, search, and export unit file data, please refer to our user guide.

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