
Visitor Parking Setup Video Guide


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Learning Objectives:

1. Summarize the different parking permit types.

2. Recall how to configure paid visitor parking.

3. Describe how to add parking spots and visitor types.



Video Script

Welcome to the Security & Concierge: Visitor Parking Setup Overview. In this video we will review the visitor parking settings and demonstrate how to configure parking permit types and parking spot names.

To get started, select Setup from the welcome menu. Then, select Security & Concierge from the main menu followed by the visitor parking tab. This will open the visitor parking settings page where you can configure visitor parking for your building. To revise a visitor parking setting, select the Edit icon in the Actions column. 

The first setting is Parking Permit Types. Here you can customize when parking passes expire, set the maximum length of a parking pass, and set the maximum number of permits per user per month. To begin, select your parking permit type. 

Permit counts each parking pass as one permit, regardless of how many days the pass is for. A three night parking pass would count as one permit. With the Permit option, you set a maximum number of permits per user per tracking period. The tracking period can be set to either Monthly or Weekly.

Overnight counts each night as a separate permit. Meaning a three night parking pass would count as three of your allotted permits per tracking period. With the Overnight option, you set a maximum number of overnight permits per user per tracking period. Day passes do not count towards this total. 

Day and Night Separately, allows you to set a maximum number of day permits and a maximum number of overnight permits per user per tracking period. Each day pass counts as 1 day permit and each night of a parking pass counts as 1 overnight permit. 

After selecting your permit type, configure your parking permit expiration option. The first option is for parking passes to expire at the same time every day. This applies to overnight parking passes. Enter the time you would like permits the expire and then set the maximum length for a parking pass in hours. If the longest parking pass you offer is one week, you would enter 168 hours.

The second option is for parking passes to expire after a fixed amount of time. This will be calculated based on the time the permit was issued. If you select this option, the system will not distinguish between day and overnight passes. Enter the number of hours allotted for each pass.

The last option is for parking passes to expire at the same time of day they were issued. This option applies to overnight parking passes. Set the maximum length for a parking pass in days.

The next setting is tied to your selected permit type. If you selected a Permit, enter the maximum number of permits per user per tracking period. If you selected Overnight, enter the maximum number of overnight permits per user per tracking period. And if you selected Day and Night Separately, enter the maximum number of overnight permits and the maximum amount of day permits per user per tracking period.

Then, set your tracking period to either Monthly, meaning users have a set amount of passes per month, or Weekly, meaning users have a set amount of passes per week. 

The next field is Day Pass Expiration Time. You will not see this field if you set your parking passes to expire after a set amount of time. Enter the time when a day pass should expire. After this time, users can only be issued an overnight pass. Typically, the day pass expiration time is set to 23:59:59 p.m. 

Then, set the Midnight Point for your building. The midnight point is when the system registers a new day. There must be one millisecond between the day pass expiration time and midnight point. The midnight point determines the dates of an overnight parking pass.

For example, if the midnight point is 12:00 a.m. and a visitor requests an overnight pass on January 1st at 11:59 p.m., their overnight pass will be for the evening of January 1st and expire the morning of January 2nd. If the visitor requests the pass at 12:01 a.m. on January 2nd, their overnight pass will be for the evening of January 2nd and expire the morning of January 3rd, which is not the night the pass is required. If the midnight point was set at say 3:00 a.m., the pass would have been issued for the correct night. If you change the midnight point, make sure you update the day pass expiration time accordingly.

Next, select your default province or state. This will help save time when entering license plate details. 

If your community does not charge for visitor parking, click Save to finalize your changes. If your community does charge for visitor parking, select enabled from the drop-down menu. 

Then, enter how many free parking permits residents have per period. If you do not want to offer any free permits, enter zero. Next, select the Type of Cost. You can pick either Hourly Rate, Flat Rate, or Daily Rate. After selecting the type of cost, determine the Fee Type. If you want one fee for all your visitor parking, select Same for all parking areas and enter the amount in the fee amount field.

If your building does not have Visitor Parking Spots enabled, you can only select Same for all parking areas. You will also see an additional field called Enable Total Capacity Limit. If you select Yes, you can enter the maximum number of visitor parking spots available in your building.

If you want to charge different amounts based on the visitor parking area, for example one amount for outdoor parking and one amount for underground parking, select Different based on parking area. You can then add parking areas and set the corresponding fee amounts. You will need to connect these areas to parking spots after you complete your paid visitor parking settings.

Lastly, determine the maximum lead time for booking paid visitor parking. If you want to allow guests to independently scan and pay for parking, select Copy URL to create a QR code for your visitor parking signage. Once completed, click Save to finalize your changes.

The next visitor parking setting is limit 1 parking permit at a time per unit. If enabled, user will only be able to reserve 1 parking spot at a time. 

Next, you can enable or disable visitor parking spots. If enabled, you can assign specific parking spots to visitors. Otherwise, visitors can park in any available visitor parking spot. To create parking spots, scroll to the Parking Spot Names section and click Add. Enter a parking spot name and click Save. If you created paid visitor parking areas, select the appropriate parking area, enter a parking spot name, and click Save. Continue this process until all your parking spots have been created. 

The next setting you can adjust is default country. When entering license plate details, the country will dictate the provinces or states that appear on the drop-down menu. You can also determine if license plate province or state is a mandatory field.

Additionally, you can add or edit the visitor parking introductory text. This text will appear at the top of the visitors page for residents.  You can also enable or disable capturing signatures for visitor parking. This setting is only applicable for buildings with a signature pad or tablet.

Next, you can add or edit visitor types. The security team must select a type when logging a visitor with or without parking. Click the Edit icon, enter a line followed by the visitor type, and click Save. 

The next three settings are related to parking passes. They are only applicable if your building requires physical passes for visitor parking. The first setting is parking pass introductory text. This text will appear at the top of the parking pass. Edit the text as needed. 

Next, determine who can download the parking pass. You can select security and residents, security only, or disable the download setting. Click Save to finalize your changes. The last setting is parking pass text. This text will appear at the bottom of a parking pass and typically outline rules and regulations. Revise the text as needed.

The last setting on the visitor parking setup page is for building that offer valet parking. Here you can adjust the default time for delivery per vehicle. Click the edit icon, enter the amount of time in minutes, and click Save.

This concludes the Security & Concierge: Visitor Parking Setup overview. For more information on visitor parking setup, please refer to our user guide.

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