How do I capture a Complete or Partial Refund?
Please refer to this Zego guide on that process.
How are Amenity Deposits treated in Zego and will I see them on my Dashboard?
When there is a deposit involved for an Amenity Booking, Zego will pre-authorize/hold the amount but won’t actually charge it to the User. NOTE: Pre-authorizations/holds are not viewable on the Zego Dashboard.
When are Amenity Deposits returned and do I need to take an action?
The pre-authorization/hold will be automatically voided 7 days after the amenity booking end date. If you do not need to capture the deposit, no action is required. If there was damage during the amenity booking and you need to capture the full deposit, please do the following within 3 days after the booking ends:
Open a Support Case with Condo Control requesting to capture an amenity deposit and include the following information:
- Amenity Booked
- User who booked the Amenity
- Amenity Booking Number (found at the top of the booking details in Condo Control)
Please ensure to submit the case within 3 days after the booking AND include all of the above information. Any delays or incomplete information may result in Condo Control not being able to capture the deposit before it is automatically released.
NOTE: Please be aware that Zego will charge the community the credit card fees on the deposit amount that is collected. Only the full deposit can be captured. Capturing a partial amount is not possible.
When are Zego/CC fees captured?
They will be captured when the booking is approved, or on the spot when the booking doesn’t require approval.
What is the process if there’s a cancellation?
If a booking that was already approved was cancelled, the deposit and fees refunds will happen automatically (Zego/CC fees aren’t refunded). If the booking had not been approved, the authorization for payments will be released.
Are debit cards accepted?
Not currently.
What if the card is expired and Zego can’t hold a deposit prior to the booking date?
Zego holds deposits 24 hours before the amenity is to be used, if it can’t hold that deposit at that point, an email will be sent out informing on this and the amenity status will be marked as PaymentOverDue.
What is the payout time for ACH?
Processing time for ACH is at least 6 business days from the payment initiation date.
How can I consolidate my records for accounting purposes?
You can either use the Reports feature on Condo Control or reach out to Zego to get reports through their platform.
Refer to the user guide below for instructions on running amenity reports.
Condo Control - How to Run an Amenity Report
How can I change or edit my Bank Account details?
Please refer to this Zego guide on that process.
If the previous Zego account owner is no longer with the company, how can I change the master account?
Please refer to this Zego guide on that process.
Supported Payment Methods by Feature
- Online Payment: Credit Card and ACH
- Amenity Booking: Credit Card only
- Store: Credit Card only
I am getting "Duplicate Payment Detected" message. What does it mean?
This limitation is designed by Zego to prevent unintentional duplicate payments. Zego enforces a limitation on payment retries for the same user, the same amount, and the same payment field within a 5-minute window. If the user attempts to resubmit a payment matching these criteria within 5 minutes, it will be flagged as a duplicate and rejected.
What should I do if I encounter this limitation?
Wait for 5 minutes. Ensure at least 5 minutes have passed before attempting the same payment again.
Will I be notified if a pre-authorized bank transfer payment fails on Zego?
Unfortunately, Zego has not enabled the webhook functionality needed to notify Condo Control about failed bank transfers. As a result, payment statuses will remain as "In Progress" indefinitely for such transactions.
We recommend verifying the status of these transactions directly in Zego’s reports to confirm if the payment has failed.
For additional Zego support, please visit