
Vendor Portal - Adding & Updating Vendors Video Guide


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Learning Objectives:

1. Summarize how to create a custom field.

2. Explain how to add a new vendor.

3. Recall how to review and edit vendor information.



Video Script

Welcome to the Vendor Portal: Adding & Updating Vendors overview. In this video we will demonstrate how to create custom fields for vendor registration, add vendors at both the portfolio and workspace level, and update vendor information. Accounts payable must be enabled at the portfolio level to access the vendor portal settings.

To get started, select Setup from the Welcome Menu. Then, select Accounts Payable from the Main Menu followed by the Vendors tab. This will open the Vendor Portal settings for your portfolio.

Under the Vendors Tab, you can add vendors and create custom fields for vendor registration. This may be useful if you require specific compliance information or documentation like a business number or certification. If your workspace is part of a portfolio, custom fields can only be created at the portfolio level. If your workspace is not part of a portfolio, you can create custom fields at the workspace level from the accounts payable setup page.

To create a custom field, select Add New. Then, enter a label for the custom field. Next, determine if an expiration date is required for the field.  If applicable, enter a Tool Tip for the field. Then, select the field type from the drop-down menu. And determine if the field is mandatory. Once completed, click Save. You will now see the new custom field. 

To add vendors to your portfolio either select Import Vendors, to add multiple vendors at one time, or New Vendor to add a single vendor. If you select Import Vendors, download the vendor import template, enter the vendor information, and upload the template by selecting Choose File. Once completed, click Save. The vendors have now been added to the portfolio.

If you select New Vendor, begin by choosing a vendor category from the drop-down menu. Next, enter the display name and legal name for the vendor. [Then, enter the first name and last name of your vendor contact]. Next, add a description of the product or service the vendor provides. 

After entering a description, input the contact information for the vendor. Registration instruction will be sent to this email address. If applicable, enter additional details about the vendor like a Tax ID, Insurance Details, Address, Notes, and Rating. Once completed, click Save. You will now see the new vendor on the vendors list. 

To send the vendor a welcome email with registration instructions, select Invite Vendors. The welcome email will be sent to any vendors that has not already registered. Select View Recipient list to see the list of applicable vendors. Then, customize the welcome email as needed, agree to the disclaimer, and click Send. The welcome email has now been sent to the applicable vendors. Individual emails can be sent from the workspace level. 

To view the vendor portal at the workspace level, select Exit Setup and login to the desired workspace. Then, select Purchase Order from the Main Menu followed by Vendors from the sub-menu. This will open the vendors page for your workspace.

By default, the vendors page lists all the portfolio and workspace level vendors in alphabetical order. You can change the list view from all vendors to vendors pending approval, approved vendors, or favourite vendors by clicking the icons at the top of the page. You can also conduct an all-text search of the vendors list using vendor names, emails, or addresses. As well as filter the vendor list by vendor category and approval status. 

To add a new vendor to the workspace, select New Vendor. The new vendor form is the same as the portfolio level form. Enter the relevant details and click Save. The vendor has now been added to the workspace.

To review a vendor’s details, click on the vendor’s name. You will then see the details provided during the vendor import and registration. Under the General tab you can review and revise the vendor’s information by selecting Edit. You can also archive a vendor by selecting Delete or send the registration instructions, by selecting Send Welcome Email. 

Under the Compliance Documents tab, you will see the custom field information added by the vendor during registration. If you did not create a custom field at the portfolio level, you will not see this section. Select Edit to revise the information. If the vendor did not complete the custom fields, you can enter the information on their behalf by selecting Add. 

Under the Bank Information tab, you will see the vendor’s banking details. If the vendor has not added their bank information, this section will be blank, and you will be unable to process invoice payments through our system. Only vendors can add or update their banking details.

In addition to bank information, vendors can view and edit their information and compliance documents. They can also invite team members to the vendor portal and set their permission to either Full Permission, meaning they can view information and edit compliance documents or Limited Permission, meaning they can only view information and compliance documents.

If a vendor adds or edits compliance documents, their approval status will be changed to pending approval. Click on the Checkmark or X to update the approval status. Then, select either Decline or Approve in the top right corner. The vendor’s status has now been changed.

This concludes the Vendor Portal: Adding & Updating Vendors overview. For more information on the Vendor Portal feature, please refer to our user guides.

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