
How to cancel your amenity booking - Mobile App

If you wish to cancel an amenity booking through the Condo Control mobile app please follow the below steps. 


1. Open the Condo Control mobile app and login to your account and workspace.


2. Access the Amenity Booking module from the home page, or the navigation menu.

Note: your home page may have different tiles as each property configures this layout to best suit their needs.  

To access the navigation menu click the 3 lines in the top left of the page, or click the Amenity Bookings tile.



3. Click on the booking you wish to cancel to open the booking details.



4. Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner, then select "Cancel Booking" from the pop up menu.



5. Provide a reason for your cancellation, then click "Cancel Booking" to complete the cancellation.

Note: you must include text in the cancellation reason section otherwise you cannot save the cancellation.



Once completed you will see in the booking details that your booking has been cancelled.  The booking will then be removed from your "My Bookings" page.



Note: Each amenity has its own cancellation rules.  Some amenities can be cancelled at anytime, others can only be cancelled certain times before the booking begins.  As an example a Guest Suite may be configured to only allow cancellations at least 24 hours before the booking start time, while the Gym amenity can be cancelled until the booking begins.  These policies are set by your property manager and any questions about this policy can be directed to them.

If you do not see the option to cancel your booking that is either because the booking falls outside of this time window, or your account does not have permission to cancel bookings. 

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