
October 13, 2022 Release Notes

The following changes were rolled out to Condo Control during our October 13, 2022 release. Please review the release notes below carefully as some changes impact the way the system works.


bug.pngBUG FIXES:

  • Fix to Approving/Declining Assets Functionality

We addressed an issue resulting in admin user not being able to approve or decline an asset when the asset did not have a user attached or some of the asset settings were changed. 

  • Fix to Assets Tab under My Account

We addressed an issue with expandable fields under My Account > Assets by making the navigation smooth.

  • Fix to Issues with Task Voting

We addressed task voting bugs resulting in collected votes being removed from a task.

  • Fix to Navigation on Scheduled Security Patrol Page

We fixed issues with navigation on a scheduled security patrol page. 

  • Fix to Asset Details Report

We addressed an issue with asset details report not showing field data aligned with field labels.

  • Fix to Amenities Set up with Capacity Limit

We addressed an issue with cancelled bookings still counting towards maximum capacity. 

  • Fix to Bugs with Short Term Rental Feature

We addressed bugs related to vehicles linked to short term rental stays. 

  • Fix to Username Validation

We improved our validation for usernames and won't allow emails starting with a dot.

  • Fix to Visitors Being Signed out Automatically

We addressed an issue with visitors without vehicles being signed out automatically.

  • Fix to Missing Translations

As part of keeping translations across the site up to date, we keep adding missing translations to different features.


If you have any questions or need clarification on any of the changes, please contact support by creating a case at .

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