
Excel Import: From Template to Unit File Video



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Welcome to the Excel Import: From Template to Unit File overview. In this video we will review some of the core fields on the excel import template and demonstrate what the data looks like in the unit file.

The excel import template has over 50 fields that can be populated. Some of these fields pertain to the user, like first name, email address, and emergency contacts while others pertain to the unit, like parking spot numbers, pets, and bicycle racks. Three sets of fields are mandatory while the rest are optional, meaning they can be added to the unit file after the initial data import. 

Let’s begin with our user level fields. Each user must have their own account, as opposed to joint accounts like “John & Jane Smith”. Users without a unit like property managers, security personnel or contractors will not be included in the data import. They must be created manually in the unit file.

User level fields are seen on the user details page in the unit file. These fields are broken up into sections like User, Emergency Contacts, FOBS, Remotes, Keys and Buzzer Codes, and Notes.

The fields will be grouped and organized under each section, whereas in the excel template each piece of information is represented in a different column. For example, Emergency Contacts has over 20 columns in the excel template but is listed in a simple chart format in the unit file.

There are two required user level fields in the excel template. The first is OwnerOrRenter – This field has three fixed options: O for Owner, R for Resident, and T for Tenant/Renter. Any users in your database that do not fit into these options, will be assigned a temporary role during the import process, which will be removed afterwards.

The second required field is Last Name. If a last name is not provided, the field will default to the user’s role. For example, First name: John, Last name: Owner. The First Name field is not mandatory, but you are highly encouraged to include it in your initial data import.

Another core field is Custom groups. Your users may belong to multiple groups. For instance, they might be a board member or on the social committee. We can add up to 15 groups during the import process. Off-Site/On-Site Owners and floor groupings are automatically included as groups but can be removed if desired. Inform your activation specialist of any groups you want to add.

These fields are shown under the User section of the user details page.

The last user level field we want to discuss is User Notes. You can add specific notes about a user to the excel import template. These notes can only be seen by building administrators. If you mark the note important, it will be flagged at the top of the user details page.

Now let’s review some of our unit level fields. Unit level fields are seen on the unit details page in the unit file. The fields are broken up into sections like Unit Details, Common Elements, Vehicle Authorizations, and Pets.

There may be some unit level fields you want to connect with a specific user in the unit. For example, Pets are listed under the unit details section, but you may wish to assign a specific owner within the unit. This can be done manually after the initial data import. Either you or your activation specialist can do this manual entry. Please note, there may be an additional cost if these updates are extensive.

The only required unit level fields are those pertaining to Unit Address. We require the full mailing address for your property. Without it we cannot proceed with the data import.

While not required, Off-site Address is another core field in the excel template. This field is for any off-site owners with a different mailing address. Populating this field will mark the unit as a ‘rental unit’. Please note, there can only be one off-site address per unit. If there are multiple off-site address, you can add them as a unit note.

These fields are shown under the unit details section of the unit details page.

The Common Elements section accounts for many of the unit level fields including lockers, parking spots, and bicycle racks. Each of these items is a separate column in the excel template. You can also add descriptions of each item in the excel template.

Similarly, there are several fields in the excel template for Vehicles like Make, Model, Colour, and License Plate.  These are all considered unit level fields, but vehicles can be manually connected to a specific owner within the unit or a specific parking spot belonging to the unit, after the initial import.

That concludes the Excel Import: From Template to Unit File overview. For more information on the excel import template, please speak to your activation specialist.

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