Here, you can update and manage all of the systems used in your building.
To add a new system, follow these steps:
1. Hover over Maintenance on the left side menu, then select System from the sub menu.
2. Here, you will see your building's Systems list. Click "Add New System" to add the new system to your building.
3. Fill out the form with the relevant information.
System Name: This is the name displayed under the Systems list.
System Description: This is where you can add additional details about the system.
System Code Colour: Here, you can assign a colour to the system to improve visibility.
Add Attachments: Upload any additional documents related to this system.
4. Once complete, select "Save" to complete the process.
5. You will now see the new System in the Systems list. Select Review to view the system, edit to edit the system details, and delete to remove the system from the list.