Note: If you require a welcome letter, reach out to your property manager to receive the necessary information.
To register your account through mobile, review the Register Your Account - Mobile App article. To view a video demonstration, review the How to Register for Condo Control - Video Guide.
Your owner welcome letter is a brief introduction to Condo Control's service. In it, you will find instructions for how to set-up your account on our system! To set up your account:
1. Visit
2. Click on Customer Login in the upper right hand corner.
3. Select "Register" to begin your registration process.
4. Enter the Registration Code and Unit Number provided in your welcome email. Once complete, click "Get Started".
5. User Details - Ensure that your email address is correct, choose and confirm a password, and click "Continue".
6. Contact details - Enter any details in this section in regards to your own contact, and any emergency contacts you would like to add. Click "Continue" when you're done.
7. Unit Details - Enter all associated details you would like to enter, please note, Sections in GREY that cannot be edited is due to restrictions placed by Property Management. Click "Continue" in the registration process to proceed without editing.
8. Electronic Consent - click on "Get Started" to begin the consent process. Once you have read your consent document, please sign it at the bottom of the page and click "Save".