
May 26, 2020 Release Notes

The following changes were rolled out to Condo Control Central during our May 26, 2020 release. Please review the release notes below carefully as some changes impact the way the system works. 

new__1_.png  NEW:

  • Violation Tracking

   We are rolling out our new feature, allowing management to keep track of violations happening in the building or HOA:
 - Admins will be able to log violations that can be tracked and managed;
 - Residents will be able to respond to violation notices via CCC;
 - Violations can be categorized and reports can be run on the feature; 
 - The feature is available both on Portfolio and Workspace level.
   If you are interested in the feature, please contact our Customer Success Team to help you set it up.

  • Architectural Change Request

   We introduced a new Service Request Type that will allow multiple admin users to approve or decline an architectural change request from the resident. The request type will include a new field, "Approval Required," and will allow users who have been selected as approvers to make their decision on every request of that type.

  • Discussion Forum on Mobile

   We addressed a request from clients to introduce Discussion Forum on mobile. All desktop functionality is replicated on our app and users can now create topics in different forums and contribute to discussions. Admin users will be able to moderate topics or posts pending approval.

  • Building Contact Details

   In order to improve email templates and help residents find Property Management contact details in a more efficient way, the system will prompt users in a Property Management group to update their contact details and hours of operation. Users will also be able to add additional information (e.g. emails, addresses, other important information).

 process-improvement.png  IMPROVEMENTS:

  • Tasks Enhancements

   Based on clients' feedback, we added a few improvements to the Tasks functionality:
 - Ability to assign tasks to a group;
 - Added voting/approval feature to the tasks module (voting will be available only on a task level, not for task updates);
 - Ability to set a reminder for an upcoming deadline;
 - Ability to exclude particular users from voting/approving if they are conflicted or cannot participate.

bug.png  BUG FIXES:

  • Bug fixes on Mobile

   We improved the stability of the app by applying fixes to the issues that are responsible for the most frequent crashes. 

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