The following changes were rolled out to Condo Control Central during our October 29, 2020 release. Please review the release notes below carefully as some changes impact the way the system works.
- Photo ID Badges
We introduced a new feature that allows authorized users to set up photo ID badges for residents in CCC’s system. The badge can be both physical and digital, based on clients’ needs. The badge would allow management or concierge to scan a user ID (or search by barcode) and find all related user information in one location on CCC (this includes contact details and activity). If you are interested in this feature, please contact your Customer Success Manager for details.
- Announcements Page Search Improvements
We added a new filter which sorts by announcement type. Now, all announcements can be filtered by email and push notifications, text and voice messages, templates, lobby display or budget mailout.
- Service Requests Improvements
We have made a few improvements to our Service Requests functionality:
- increased the limit of the knowledge base’s Main Topics to 12 (up from the current limit of 6)
- custom fields will now be shown on Service Requests Details reports
- introduced a new custom field, entitled "attached file," which can be named based on clients' needs
- Tasks UI Improvements
We improved the search functionality, pagination and the file preview for the Tasks feature.
- Phonebook Improvements
Based on client feedback, we’ve made it possible to share secondary (offsite) addresses on phonebook (if the feature is enabled). Users can activate the feature during registration, or they can go to My Account to turn it on. Phonebook can also be sorted by username.
- Visitor Parking Setting "1 Permit per Unit at a Time"
We have added a setting that will let authorized users limit parking permits to 1 pass per unit at a time . If a user has an active permit, the system will restrict them from creating a new permit before the current one expires.
- Package Preferences as a Submenu under "My Account"
Residents will now see package preferences as a submenu under My Account (just like Change Password or Email Preferences options).
- Printing Pass-On Logs
Concierge and other authorized users now have the ability to print pass-on logs on the S&C Console.
- Improvement to File Library Upload Notification
The titles of the files that have been uploaded to CCC’s File Library will now be shown as a subject in email notifications about files added to the File Library.
- Improvements to Default Province in Settings
Default Province/State in Workspace Settings will now default the Country and State/Province as “Default,” as opposed to a specific place, system-wide.
- 12-Hour Minimum Lead Time for Amenities
We’ve added a new 12-hour minimum lead time option for amenities.
- Fixes to Integration Errors
We addressed errors with certain integrations (QuickBooks, TOPS, VMS).
- Fixes to Logging Vehicle on S&C Console
We fixed an issue in the S&C Console that interfered with a pop-up that warns the user that the car being logged in the system is a resident vehicle.
If you have any questions or need clarification on any of the changes, please contact support at 416-961-7884, option 2, or email us at