The following changes were rolled out to Condo Control during our February 23, 2021 release. Please review the release notes below carefully as some changes impact the way the system works.
- Improvements to Proxy Attendee Auto-Reminders
We introduced a few improvements to proxy attendee auto-reminders:
- Reminders will now be sent to every proxy holder, regardless of whether the user agreed to attend the meeting or not. Default reminders will go 24 and 2 hours before the event date/time.
- Once the proxy is activated, admin users can edit details and when reminders are sent out.
- Default text of reminders was improved to bring more clarity to end users.
- Improvements to Violation Tracking
We implemented several improvements to address clients' needs:
- The created date field on the violation list page will now be replaced with a date last updated field. The field will also include the role of the user who updated the violation (admin or resident).
- The stage field on the list page will now show the complete name of the violation stage (e.g. "Friendly Reminder") instead of just a number (stage "1", "2", etc.)
- The drop-down for violation types is now sorted alphabetically on a new violation page.
- Emails about upcoming due dates sent to admin users will include the violation reference numbers and due dates.
- The violation list page can now be sorted by most recent update.
- The voting process has been improved: admin users now have the option to select/edit voters on create/update violation pages. Once a violation is escalated to the next stage, votes submitted for the previous stage will be saved as an internal comment.
- Minor Improvements to Pay Later Functionality for Amenity Bookings
Pay Later will now become a workspace setting that can be easily enabled on the backend. We improved the functionality for auto-cancellation of such bookings.
- New "Date Created" Field on Phone Numbers and Emails Report
We introduced a new field to our phone numbers and emails report, which will show when a user was created on the workspace. The field will be based on the date/time when the unique registration code was applied by the user.
- Improvement to Required Fields on New Service Request Page
All required fields on the New Service Request page will now be marked with an asterisk.
- Customization of "Requires Assistance in Emergency" Field
We have made the "Requires Assistance in Emergency" field customizable. Once the field is disabled for the workspace, it will not be available on registration or unit file pages.
- Ability to Streamline Editing of User Profile Photo for Badges
We improved the process of editing profile photos for badges by allowing users to crop and center images.
- Ability to Import Date of Birth
It’s now possible to import date of birth during our import process.
- Fix to Timeout Errors for Logging Packages
We addressed timeout issues with logging packages on Security&Concierge page.
If you have any questions or need clarification on any of the changes, please contact support at 416-961-7884, option 2, or email us at