
Security Log Video Guide


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Learning Objectives:

1. Explain how to create a security shift.

2. Describe how to add a security log to a shift.

3. Recall how to search and edit security shifts and logs.



Video Script

Welcome to the Security & Concierge: Security Log overview. In this video we will demonstrate how to create a security shift, add security logs and search for past security shift reports.

To get started, select Security & Concierge from the main menu. From the Security & Concierge Console, select security log. If you are just starting your shift, this will open the security shift form. You are required to complete the security shift form before entering individual security logs. 

The security shift form begins with a summary of the building’s activities. This includes: the number of amenity bookings that day, the number of keys currently checked out and the number of people logged as on vacation. To find out more information on an activity, click view details.

After reviewing the activity summary, enter the start date and time of your shift and the expected end date and time of your shift. These fields will default to the current date and pre-set time but can be updated as needed.

Next, select the name of the person you relieved when you started your shift and the name of the person you will be relieved by at the end of your shift. If you are the first of last shift of the day, select N/A.

Then, enter any equipment you received at the start of your shift this may include master keys, a radio, or a tablet. If you did not receive any equipment enter N/A. 

Before you click save, review the details you just entered. Once saved, you will only be able to edit your shift end date and time. After your review is complete, click save. You will now see your security shift in the activity stream.

To add a security log, open your security shift either through the activity stream or by selecting security log.

You will now see your shift details at the top followed by a new security log entry field. Provide a description of the event that took place. To add additional details, select more options. 

Start by selecting the urgency level of the event from the dropdown menu. Then, if applicable, enter the unit the event is related to. 

Next, select the type of event from the dropdown menu. If your event type is not listed, select general. Then, enter the specific date and time when the event took place.

If emergency services were called, check the box beside police, fire or paramedics called. Lastly, upload any relevant attachments to the security log. If you are only entering one log, click save. If you are entering multiple logs, click save and new. This will save the security log you just created and open a new one.

To edit a security log, open the security shift. All the logs for the shift will appear at the bottom of the report. Click on the log description to edit the text. Once completed, click the X in the top right corner. 

You can add and edit security logs at any time during your scheduled shift. Once your shift has ended the security shift report will be locked. 

To view past security shifts, scroll through the activity stream or search using the security shifts / logs filter. Open the desired security shift report to review the details. 

To print the report, select print shift report. This will download a PDF copy of the report to your machine which you can print using the designated printer.

This concludes the Security & Concierge: Security Log overview. For more information on the security log feature, please refer to our user guide.

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