
Security Patrol - Scheduling and Viewing Patrols Video Guide


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Learning Objectives:

1. Summarize the settings on the security patrol setup page.

2. Describe how to view, edit, and create scheduled patrols.

3. Recall how to view a patrol log.



Video Script

Welcome to the Security Patrol: Scheduling & Viewing Patrols overview. In this video we will review the patrol setup page and demonstrate how to schedule patrols and view completed patrols.

To get started, select Setup from the welcome menu. Then, select Security & Concierge from the main menu. From the Security & Concierge setup page, select Patrol. You will now see a list of the patrol routes and patrol settings for your building.

In the Setup Patrol Route section, select view to review the details of a patrol route, edit to revise the patrol route name or colour code or delete to remove the patrol route from the system. 

You can also create a new route by selecting Add New Route. Name the route, assign a colour, and click Save. You will now see the new route on the patrol route list. You will have to login to the mobile app to create and add checkpoints to the route.

Under Security Patrol Settings, you can enable or disable geolocation tracking, which prompts the user to share their location at the start of a patrol. 

You can also revise the time range you have allocated to complete a patrol route. And enable or disable checkpoint sequencing. If checkpoint sequencing is enabled, users will be able to scan checkpoints in any order instead of the specified order.

To return to the homepage, select Exit Setup from the main menu.

To schedule a patrol, select Security Patrol from the main menu. This will open the patrol scheduling page, where you can view or edit scheduled patrols and add new scheduled patrols. 

To view the details of a scheduled patrol, select the patrol from the calendar. You will now see the scheduling details and have the option to edit or delete the scheduled patrol.

Select Edit to revise the patrol details. You can then change the reoccurrence of the patrol, revise the repetition type, and update the daily, weekly, or monthly options. You can also set or add an end date for the patrol and add or revise the comments. Once completed, click Save.

To create a new scheduled patrol, select Add New Patrol. Next, select the appropriate route from the drop-down menu. Like before, select the reoccurrence, repetition type, and daily, weekly, or monthly options. Then, enter a start date and time for the new scheduled patrol. If applicable, enter a patrol end date and enter any comments about the patrol. Once completed, click Save. You will now see the new patrol in the calendar. 

If enabled, you will receive email notifications informing you when a patrol has been completed, partially completed, or missed. To view the details of those patrols, select Security & Concierge from the main menu. 

Then, scroll through the activity stream or search using the Security Patrol filter. You will now see the patrol logs for all the completed patrols and partially completed patrols. Missed patrols will not display in the activity stream.

Open a patrol log to view the details. Here you will see which route was completed, the completion status, the patrol guard, and the patrol start time. You will also see how long the route took to complete, how many checkpoints were scanned and how many incidents were created on the patrol.

If images or notes were added during the patrol, you can view them in the checkpoints chart. To view the incident reports, return to the Security & Concierge Console and search using the incident reports filter. 

To download a patrol report, select Reports from the main menu and then Security Patrol Details Report. Searching and customizing reports will be covered in-depth in subsequent training videos.

This concludes the Security Patrol: Scheduling & Viewing Patrols overview. For more information on the security patrol feature, please refer to our user guide.

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