
Electronic/Proxy Voting Dashboard Summary

The Electronic/Proxy Voting Dashboard offers valuable tools for tracking and analyzing voting and attendance data, ensuring you are informed and compliant with your community’s regulations. This user guide outline each section of the Electronic/Proxy Voting Dashboard.


Refer to the video below for a demonstration of how to review and update your Electronic/Proxy Voting event.


Summary Section

The Summary section is the first screen you’ll see when opening the E-Voting Module. This dashboard provides all the key details related to your meeting’s progress:

  • Notification Overview: The first chart shows how many notifications have been sent to your owners, with color-coded sections representing the different types of messages (SMS, email, and voicemail).
  • Voting Progress: The second chart displays the number of votes received out of the total eligible voters in your corporation, along with an indicator showing how many more votes are needed to reach quorum.
  • Timeline Graph: The larger graph at the bottom of the screen presents a timeline from when the Electronic Voting module was activated up to your meeting date. It highlights the days when reminders were sent and tracks the increasing number of votes received each day, helping you monitor your progress toward reaching quorum.




Details Section

The Details section allows you to make edits to the settings you configured during the initial setup of your electronic voting event. This include the ability to:

  • Edit the title, description, meeting date, location, and attachments.
  • Add or edit reminders for the event.

Note: Any changes to attachments will trigger notifications to all users with access to the module.




Administrative Section

The Administrative section provides tools to manage and integrate paper ballots with your electronic voting system. Key features include:

  • Upload Paper Ballots: You can upload paper copies received from owners, select the appropriate unit and owner, and complete the ballot online, matching the selections from the paper proxy form.
  • Manage Arrears List: You can add or remove units from the arrears list. Votes from units on the arrears list will not be counted. If a unit is added to the arrears list before voting, the owner will receive a message instructing them to contact the property manager.
  • Download Proxy Letters: You can download, customize, and generate proxy letters for the unit in your building. These can print and distributed to residents as needed.




Reporting Section

The Reporting section allows you to download paper copies of each vote, specifically for Proxy or Ontario Specific Forms, and provides a list of all users who RSVP’d to the meeting. Additionally, you can download a report showing the voting status of each unit.




Virtual Meeting Section

The Virtual Meeting section is where your virtual moderator will manage and conduct your virtual or hybrid meeting. This tab provides you with a participant’s view of the meeting, monitor the live quorum count, which includes both advanced votes and live attendees, and to send out live voting questions. Please note that this tab will only be available if you have purchased virtual meeting moderation services or are using a Condo Control client Zoom account to self-moderate your meeting.




Results Section

The Results section lets you view real-time tallies of each voting option. While it does not reveal which unit voted for each selection, it provides a total count of votes for each option. This tab can be disabled if your bylaws do not permit viewing results before the meeting.




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