
Information Access for Unit Owners vs Unit Renters or Residents

Every user in Condo Control is assigned to at least one user group. Each group has a unique set of permissions which dictates what information they have access to and what actions they can perform. This user guide outlines what information a unit Owner can see as opposed to a unit Renter or Resident. 


For an overview of the My Account feature, refer to the video guide below:

My Account Overview - Resident Video Guide


My Account

My Account displays a variety of information about the unit and the users within it. Below is a specific breakdown of access for each section.

Note: Certain sections under My Account may not be used by your community and as such won't be visible. This is determined by your community administrator. 


Unit Details


  • Have the ability to see all users linked to their unit.
  • Can be given permission to edit or delete users within the Renters and Residents group.


Renters & Residents:

  • Renters can only see other users within the Renters group.
  • Residents can only see other users within the Resident group.


Custom Groups:

  • Users see only those in the same custom group unless they belong to any of the built-in groups (Owners, Renters, Residents), in which the standard logic applies.


Violation Tracking

  • When a violation is issued to a unit, it can be assigned to one or multiple users within that unit.
  • Only the selected users can view the violation.
  • If the owner is not included as a recipient, they will not see it.
  • If no users are selected, the violation is recorded for tracking purposes and is only viewable by staff members.
  • Note: Recipients cannot be updated once a violation is created.



Renters & Residents:


Additional Sections

  Owners Renters & Residents
Vehicles Can see all vehicles associated with the unit. Can see all vehicles associated with the unit.
Pets Can see own pets or pets not assigned an owner. Can see own pets or pets not assigned an owner.
Emergency Contacts Can only see their own details. Can only see their own details.
FOBs, Remotes, Keys and Buzzer Codes Can only see their own details. Can only see their own details.
Assets Can see all asset requests associated with the unit. Can see all asset requests associated with the unit.


Service Requests


  • Can view all service requests for their unit.
  • Owners will only see service requests made after their addition to the unit.

Renters & Residents:

  • Can view only their own service requests.


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