This guide covers how to launch your Condo Control Workspace to your community. It includes recommended steps and how to generate and send Welcome Letters to your Owners/Tenants/Residents which can be in paper and/or email format.
Step 1 - Client Pre-Launch Checklist
If you have not already done so, please download and complete our Client Pre-Launch Checklist to make sure all the core settings of your workspace have been configured.
Step 2 - Turn On Owner Login
Please follow the instructions in the user guide How To Enable Owner Login to turn on Owner Login (if it is not already enabled). NOTE: You cannot send Welcome Letters if Owner Login is off.
Step 3 - Consider Turning On Electronic Consent
Condo Control has a built-in feature included in all workspaces that allows you to obtain consent from your owners/residents to send legal documents electronically which in turn saves money on printing and postage. CLICK HERE for more information on the feature.
Having this feature enabled at launch will result in a higher number of your owners/residents providing consent. If you wish to enable this feature, please follow the step in the user guide How To Enable Electronic Consent (E-Consent)
NOTE: While this feature is best enabled prior to launch, you may also enable it at any after launch. Please see this User Guide.
Step 4 - Review Welcome Site Settings & Send Welcome Letters
Review the video guide Setup Page - Welcome Site Settings Video Guide which will walk you through the settings that configure the Owner/Resident registration process and how to generate and send Welcome Letters to your residents that includes the details they need to access their Condo Control account.
Alternatively, for Step 4 you can follow the instructions in this written guide: Sending Welcome Letters to your Residents via Welcome Site Settings
That's it! Once you have sent your Welcome Letter to your Owners/Residents, your Condo Control Workspace has officially been launched. Congratulations. 🎉
PRO TIP: Attached below you will find some customizable templates that you can use to introduce Condo Control to your community. You can send these through your current method of communication to residents, such as posting on bulletin boards or in elevators.