Property managers can track and manage corporation violations using the violation tracking feature on Condo Control. A new violation can be added via the violation tracking dashboard or the unit file.
For instructions on adding a Violation via Violation Tracking Dashboard, refer to the User Guides below:
How to Add a New Violation - via Violation Tracking Dashboard
Before you can add a violation, you must setup Violation Tracking. For instructions on creating Violation Stages, Types, and Templates, refer to the User Guides below:
How to Set Up Violation Tracking Stages & Types
How to Set Up Violation Tracking Templates
1. To add a new violation via unit file, on the left hand menu click on Unit File
2. Search for and then click on the unit number with the violation
3. Click on the tab called violation tracking and then click on the new button
4. Fill the Violation Form to log the record
5. Once the form has been filled, the violation can be saved as one of the following options.