
Visitor Parking Setup

This user guide outlines how to update your visitor parking settings from the setup page.


Refer to the video below for a demonstration of the visitor parking setup page:
Visitor Parking: Setup Page Overview


1. Open the Welcome Menu in the top right corner and select Setup.



2. From the Main Menu, select Security & Concierge.



Visitor Parking Setup Page

Select the Visitor Parking Tab. To revise a setting, select the Edit icon in the Actions column.


The visitor parking tab is separated into 4 different sections: 


1. Permit Type - You can customize when parking passes expire, set the maximum length of a parking pass, and set the maximum number of permits per user per tracking period. For detailed instructions on how to configure parking permit types, refer to the user guide below:

Parking Permit Setup Guide

You can also enabled paid visitor parking from this section. For detailing instructions on how to configure paid visitor parking, refer to the user guide below:

How to Set-up Paid Visitor Parking Guide



2. Limit 1 parking permit at a time per unit - If enabled, user will only be able to reserve 1 parking spot at a time. 

3. Visitor Parking Spot - If enabled, you can create and assign specific parking spots to visitors.

To create parking spots, scroll down to the Parking Spot Names section and click Add. 


Enter a parking spot name and click Save. Continue this process until all your parking spots have been created.



If you have Paid Visitor Parking enabled, and opted to charge different amounts by parking area, you will also have to select a parking area for the parking spot.


4. Country - The country dictates what provinces or states appear as default when entering visitor license plate details.

5. Make province mandatory for vehicles & visitors? - If you select Yes, users will have to enter a license plate province when logging visitor parking.

6. Visitor Parking Introductory Text - You can add or edit the visitor parking introductory text which appears at the top of the visitors page for residents. 

7. Capture signature for visitor parkingThis setting is only applicable for buildings with a signature pad or tablet. If enabled, you can capture signatures for visitor parking. 

8. Visitor Type - You can add or edit visitor types. The security team must select a type when logging a visitor with or without parking.

Click the Edit icon, enter a line followed by the visitor type, and click Save. 



The next 3 settings are only applicable if your building requires printed passes for visitor parking.

9. Parking Pass Introductory Text - This text will appear at the top of the parking pass. Click edit to revise the text.

10. Parking Pass Download - You can revise who can download the parking pass. You can select security and residents, security only, or disable the download setting all together.

11. Parking Pass Text - This text will appear at the bottom of a parking pass and typically outline rules and regulations. Revise the text as needed.


The final setting on the page is for buildings that use the Valet Parking feature.

You can adjust the default time for delivery per vehicle by clicking the edit icon.


Enter the amount of time in minutes, and click Save.



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